Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Night-time noises

I should be sleeping, I know. But I am not. Just thought I would share this…

It is 2am and I am in my room wasting time on the internet. But, seeing as there is no AC in my house the windows remain open 24/7. Usually at this time I am sleeping with the fan on, dead to the world, but seeing as I am awake and it is a bit cool outside there are some unusual noises that I am hearing.

Picture Africa, like national Geographic’s Africa deep in the bush during a night dance with drums beating and chanting. Well, that is what I hear. I am not sure why, seeing as I don’t live in the bush but the town. But there are beats on the drum echoing through the air, along with dogs howling to the beat. And occasionally I hear the annoying buzzing noise at my ear. All I can think of is, “MALARIA!! Get away.” Though I have been told that the mosquitoes that “sing” to you are only singing lullabies. It is the silent ones that carry malaria. I don’t know how true that is, but I know I will definitely have my net down tonight.

Oh… and I feel a bit like an unbathed street kid. Why you might ask? Well because I have ring worm on my arm. I have had it on my chest before, about right where the kids’ little heads rest when they give me a hug, BUT my arm. Why? How? And when will it go away? Knowing that it is spreadable, I have done my best to keep my arm out of the line of fire, but you would never realize how often your forearm gets grabbed at or brushed up against in a day until you try to avoid it.

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