Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Monday, October 30, 2017

Long Overdue Last Memories in Uganda

October 10th marked one year since I left Uganda. That is hard for my brain to wrap around. One year since saying goodbye my other family. One year since I last hugged any of my kiddos. One year. Wow.

I have heard from a number of missionaries that re-patriate to their passport country that they miss their "other" home everyday and think about life there everyday, even one or two years later (or more). I have found this to be so true. It is a weird mix of emotions - being totally confident, happy, and peaceful being in Texas (because this is where God has me now) but also longing for my other home and missing the life I once lived.

Honestly, I have been working on this video throughout this year. But the reality is that it was just too hard to finish. During the earlier months, I was watch clips with tears streaming down my face. I love these kids!! I am so thankful for taking the time to write this blog during my life in Uganda. I am so thankful I was able to write stories and show photos of some of my treasured goodbyes. And now I am happy that I have been able to piece together some of my final memories at Lulwanda that were had during the school holiday. These memories are treasures to me.

(I wonder if had the courage to finish this video, after a year's delay, because I have a ticket in hand for a return visit in January - knowing I get to see my kids again and create more memories soon!)

Last Holiday in Uganda from Natalie Rolfe on Vimeo.