Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Saturday, September 20, 2008


It is really hard to express in words... and even soak in... the miracle that has happened in our midst here at LCH.


She came home on Wednesday, having been cleared by the doctors that traveling from Kampala and her stability were ok. The intensity and seriousess of her situation are really more than most could understand, outside of her parents. In all honesty, she could have died at any point, but the Gracious Father kept and preserved her through seemingly impossible situations.

Yesterday all the staff and kids met together for a corperate time of thanksgiving to the Lord for the work He has and is continuing to do. There are many times in life that we don't know now or may never know why things happen. But, Edward stated yesterday that this is one of those times, but if this brought the begining of the staff and kids of Lulwanda to gather and pray together weekly, then He gives the Lord glory.

Please continue to pray for Nellie, as her head is still very swollen and a piece of her skull will not be replaced for about a year. Also pray for her parents, Edward and Harriet, that the Lord would strengthen and encourage them as they have to treat their 14yr old as a baby again and will have to learn and train her in behavioral changes that have occured as a result of this whole thing. BUT glory to God in the Highest. Our God is a miracle worker!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow the mercy of God...i'll be praying for patience and a complete recovery. gennean