Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Thursday, September 10, 2009

End of Term 2 Holiday

As most of you know, we have started Term 3 this week. The kids are glad to be back at school but had a fun holiday. I did too. Holiday is the chance for me to catch up on the things that I have not had time to do during the school year. Like participating in the summer missions. There was an open air crusade held the first week of holidays. I was able to participate in doing hut-to-hut evangelism. I really love doing it- getting to go around the villages and visit people in their homes sharing the love, hope, and salvation that is only found in Jesus Christ. This time, my first stop was at a school. I got to share with the teachers, who at the end were very encouraged and asked me to share with all the boarding students that had remained. Seeing as it was mostly P6 and P7 students and we were not too far in the village I was able to share the gospel in english (without a translator). What an awesome opportunity! It always amazes me how open people are here (in comparison to America) with hearing the gospel. And to be in a school, where children come from all backgrounds (catholic, muslim, witchcraft, etc...). The Truth is the truth, no matter what background and every person will have to make their own decision. After sharing, we asked for those who had trusted Jesus as their Savior for the first time to come and tell us their name so we could write it down. We had a whole sheet full of names! Awesome!

During the first week of holiday there was also a team that come to LCH. They held VBS for our kids and everyone had a really fun time. Also, one of the team members taughts some of our kids some art concepts and gave them the chance to do some painting. Here we are trying to paint the home. Our lesson was about really looking at colors to paint what we see, not what we think it should be.

A few of the other team members worked dilligently throughout the week to test all of the kids and staff's eyes to see if any of them were needing glasses. They were first tested with the traditional eye chart and if problems were seen then the team brought a special machine and tons of glasses to fit the kids with the right perscription. Praise the Lord!! Now so many of our kids can see the blackboard better. These are a group of P3 students waiting to go in for their examiniation.

And some random news... this is baby Mercy Miracle. So cute. She was born premature and had a rough first couple weeks of life, but now is strong and moving about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How wonderful it is to see that baby cow!! It brought a lot of joy to my heart. Thanks for the updates and the photos Nat, I love it!

All my love,