Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Prayer Please

Well, i tried posting this earlier, but i dont think it worked.

Holidays are here. Well not officially until Monday but the exams have been given and these last few days while teachers are marking are called "lousy" (aka lazy) days and the kids get to relax. They are preparing now for The Day of the African Child to present a song and poem. Please pray for safety and no idleness to get into trouble. With 90 kids it is hard to keep an eye on all of the kids all the time.

Also, 2 kids have "red eye" which i am pretty sure is pink eye. Pray for a miriacle that this contageous "sickness" doesnt spread throughout the kids. It took the chicken pox 2 months to finish here. So, we need quick healing, wise handling, and the protection of the Lord to keep sicknesses out.

And continue to pray for baby Gift who was burned last week. We, staff visited her monday and the whole front of her tiny body was burned (from face to knees). Pray no infection and complete healing. And pray for mom, annett because she was not herself (who could blame her). pray against what ifs and for the peace to still and calm her mind... that she would know that He is God and cares.

Thank you prayer warriors. THis ministry wouldnt work without you

1 comment:

photobugthatsme said...

Hey Natalie,
How is Baby Gift doing? She's been in my prayers...

Also how's the pink eye going? Is it pink eye?

Tell Momma and Pastor, Edward and Harriet and EVERYONE we send our love and hugs and prayers. Oh... and the suitcase is coming with the first group from Wimberley. I gave the suitcase to Becky's sister. The hand off was made this past weekend as I understand it.

Love you to!
Dee Dee