Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Friday, July 11, 2008

Life is rushing by

Wow. I feel like I am spinning in circles… back and forth to Kampala (a 4 hours distance one way) about 3 times in the past week and a half, and one more to go this Sunday. But God is faithful and good and restores my energy every day. I love the miracle of His new mercies every morning and how I truly can go to bed and wake up the next day with it being completely a new day.

So biggest news is that Janece has come and gone. I can’t believe the time is already up. It was so fun to have her here. I know that God is doing a lot in her and I am confident that He is working in my family. Praise Him for that. There has been nothing more exciting then having my first family member get the full experience of my life in Uganda. ON top of that, for her to (through the experience and relationships) really understand my heartbeat and reasoning behind why I love being here. God is so so faithful. I know we said that she would post more but we were really too busy having fun to do it. Sorry for lying. But I think she is planning to type up her thoughts and then I will post them so you can get a different perspective. IT was an awesome trip because she was able to experience every aspect of life here. From LCH to a church plant crusade and opening, to visiting Namatala (the slum area) and passing our sheets, to the busy streets of Kampala and shopping the black market area. Also seeing my local hang outs., staying in my room, and enjoying the beauty of Sissyi Falls. It was awesome. And the Aunties love her and love the bread that she taught them to make.

Also, new news is that my kindred spirit in the faith, Haley, has left. It was sad and there is already a lack without her here. She did awesome work at Covenant School and was such a sweet and fun sister to me. I am praying again and wondering who God will bring next (and how long their stay will be).

And, I have a group visiting me right now. They are doing a world race and came from India and are going to Brazil from here. In the past 5 days they have done a great work at painting some of the buildings and cleaning and re-lining the basketball court. It has been fun to see some familiar faces from TbarM though my time has greatly been divided because Janece was here and I took her back to the airport. But we are having fun and I have enjoyed some good games of farkle dice.

Hopefully tomorrow I will get to spend some time with Midland Bible Church (my sending church) who are also here right now. I don’t know why God planned for EVERYONE (that is part of a team) to be here the same 2 weeks (I have been here for 9 months with no visitors). But I know it will be a retrospect lesson.

Otherwise- I am a bit on autopilot with so many visitors. Mama and Pastor are awesome for handling tons of teams ALL summer long. God is teaching me about the power of the tongue, how it can bless and curse. I am praying for more awareness over that and the power of my Words in speaking scripture and true. The Bible does say, I believe, therefore I speak and powerful things happened. SO, I love that I will forever be a learner in the Lord.

I hope you are well. Thanks for reading and praying.


Anonymous said...

Natalie! Don't fall over. I'm actually leaving you a comment. That's so exciting that you'll hopefully get to spend some time with MBC people tomorrow. Make sure to collect the hugs and "miss you's" from Sarah that I had her bring over! We are teaching our kids this month at church what you were talking about concerning the tongue. Somedays I think I should just glue my lips shut. Do you want a picture of anything in particular? I'm mailing you soon and will try to include pics this time. Love you bunches! Make sure you get rest even if you feel you are doing alright, especially now that Janece is gone. Glad to hear the good news about your family. Dude... the World Race group... is that the one that we talked about possibly visiting back in Midland? How awesome is that?! Well, now that this is pretty much something that should have been sent in an email, I'm going to say goodbye and go to bed. I love you! Have a great Saturday!

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matt 11:29-30

Jacquline said...

I miss you and was so glad to hear your voice (even for only a few minutes)....you truly do not know how much you are loved!!! I leave in less than 24 hours to move and my heart is so eager and ready! I too can't wait until September when I can join you and the others in Mbale and help change the world (my hopes are set high!!)

Thanks for blogging...I always love reading your updates!!!

Please give your self a BIG hug and kiss from me! We must now communicate by email...since my internet will be so random!!!

Love, love, love you,

Anonymous said...

So great how God is working in your fam!!! I just finished working at camp, but I have def. been praying for you and talking about you as my girls would always ask me about our team and would see our pics in tim team house and ask where all of us are now...so it was fun to share how you are back in Africa where you LOVe:) Bret and I are always praying for you...We love you Nat,
Ash and Bret