Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Be a Butterfly, Not a Chameleon

{This somehow didn't get posted last year when I wrote it, but since we just ended school holiday 
and similar Bible studies were happening every Tuesday and Thursday,
 I think it is a good fit to post now}

“I was very happy when I read on the notes board that we were going to have bible study because I wanted to learn something about my new life with God. I got saved on April 1st  (2015). Teacher Natalie taught us that we are God’s children and our bodies are the temples of God. We read from the book of Romans 12:1-2. It says I appeal to you sisters and brothers to present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to God which is your act of worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind and by testing you, you may discern the will of God what is good, perfect, and acceptable. I learnt that I was bought with the price which is Jesus’ blood. I should not be like a chameleon because it si conformed to the thing it is on  but I should be like a butterfly because it is transformed from a catipillar to a butterfly. I also learnt not to follow the world. I also learnt that God has plans for me. It was a very good bible study.
Masai Nora”
(excerpt from a letter to one of her sponsors)

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