Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Monday, May 2, 2016


2nd May, 2007... nine years ago...

... I arrived in Uganda for the first time. 

- I remember wondering if I would recognize Mama Aida in the airport (after only having met her once).
- I remember the feelings of anxiety from being in a totally foreign land and of sheer joy in beginning my dream since childhood.
- I remember wishing it was not dark outside so I could see the landscape that surrounded me.
- I remember the terrible dusty road that seemed to take forever to get from Entebbe to Mbale.
- I remember reaching the Ogenga's home and being told, "If there's power, you must shower." (since they had an instant water heater attached to the shower)
- And I remember arriving at Lulwanda, with tears of joy in my eye, and seeing 45 bald-headed little ones staring curiously at me.

But I had no idea that this place would become my home. I could never have imagined that nine years later I would still be here to have seen my children grow and Lulwanda expand as it has.

And throughout the nine years here, I have tasted, tested, and seen that 
God is good and God is faithful. 

(Thank you Father, that you would give me this grace gift and choose me, out of all the many, to love and be loved by the children of Lulwanda.)

1 comment:

thejoyofteachingkids.blogspot.com said...

What a beautiful memory of nine faithful years of serving the Lord in Uganda! You Rock Na-Talie! :D