Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Food for thought to teams coming to Uganda...

Really there is not much to think about, but I was just sitting here and wondering the best way to get the word out. So, I figure there are at least some who read this and will be on a team that can pass the info on.

First off...
* Bring your bathing suit. That is right, Mt. Elgon has put in a swimming pool. Probably by the time teams start arriving there will be other things in the backyard, but since they are not finished yet, I dont know what they are. But the pool is there and working. What a nice treat at the end of a hot, sweaty day!! Yeah for swimming year around!

Based on last year, people on teams asked me what they could bring for the kids at LCH. Here are a few ideas, but still email me as time gets closer incase i think of more.
* magazines (specifically with colorful pages so the kids can make paper necklaces)- we don't need a million but if some teams brought one per person it wouldn't weigh too much and we would have enough to make some good stuff)
* Banana Grams- it is a game with letter pieces like scrabble and we played on the trip to Gulu and one of the teachers suggested it would be really good for every class to at least have one set.
* crochet needles and simple yarn- nothing too fancy with all the fuzzies or frills, just the plain jane yarn in nice colors or the ones that fade from one color to another
* board games- any and all since there are 90 kids
* good pens for school- NOT Bic- in black, blue, and red

That is all that is on my mind for now.

Me, Nurse Dyana, and Glenn are headed to Kampala this weekend to do some shopping and just get to the big city. I am very excited. So, I will let you know how things were next week.

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