Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A sweet wind of refreshment…

I love the Lord and His timing and how He knows just what you need at just what time. God is good all the time. Praise Him for knowing me better than I know myself. Last week I was blessed to get to spend the week with a group of 5 Americans from Texas who were working at LCH all week. Truly it was a blessing and God knew that I would be needing time to be with some other mzungus and to just have some fun and silly conversations, laughs, and inside jokes, as well as some time for some heart to heart conversations and prayer time. And, you never know how God will work in certain situations. He knit my heart instantly with my new friend, Melissa, who I shared a room with. She blessed my heart and I hope I was able to do the same for her. In addition it was so great to get to have other people with my cultural perspective to discuss things about the children’s home and to share in their love for these kids.

Towards the end of the week I asked the team what the Lord has been teaching them during their time here. After everyone answered, the question came back to me. It was kind of funny seeing as this was not just a one-week experience for me. But then something vividly stood out to me. At the church service, Larry preached and at the end he was sharing how Mbale Pres. Church is the hub of so many things that the Lord is doing in and around Uganda. At one point a picture appeared on the wall (PTL-the team brought a projector for LCH so the kids (all 90) can easily watch a movie all together, not on the computer screen). This picture was of the plot of land before LCH was in existence. It was only a dream and prayer at this time. But to see the land undeveloped with ladies walking through the area with hoes and bananas on their head in the picture and then get to see what a beautiful place that God has made it and how much God is moving there… I was in awe. It truly is awesome--- awe inspiring.

So… to the team that just left… thank you for your love, encouragement, laughter, and all around blessing. I truly cherished our time together.

And to the rest of you reading… please continue to pray for the kids, the staff, me, and all that the Lord is doing. Pray for unity in the spirit and like-mindedness in the purpose of why we are all at LCH… for the kids. Thanks for staying up-to-date with me and please email me so that I can stay up-to-date with you.


Anonymous said...

It is so awesome to see the Lord bless you to spend time with that group of people and connect with others...I think about the amazing things you are doing with those kids everyday. In our bible study we are the Psalms of Ascent and in Psalm 122 it talks about how Jerusalem, their home to be knit together as a single unit and SOLIDLY JOINED TOGETHER...I pray that for you and those kiddos and everyone there. Love you Nat,

photobugthatsme said...

Hey Natalie...
Yes, I'm thankful our Lord knows what we need and when we need it. I (we) were truly blessed with the visit with you! Thank you for your obedience and love for the kids and staff alike.
Love you and miss you mucho!

Dee Dee :-)

Anonymous said...

NAT. This warms my heart to see that God provided encouragement and love when you needed it the most. I don't know why, but I have been praying that for you everyday just knowing that you need it. He loves you very much Nat and is using you to touch the lives of those sweet kids, but also to touch mine. Miss you like crazy Nat.

Love you,