Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Sunday, September 30, 2007

God is at work

WOW!! It is so awesome to be absorbed in the middle of the Lord at work. Truly I feel like this whole thing has been just been a silver platter handed to me and He keeps placing things on the platter. I hope that makes sense. So, if I will boast, let me boast in the LORD....

I have had about 2 months at home, and honestly, there have been moments when I have become completely stir-crazy. So, I have done a lot of searching on craigslist to find babysitting jobs, or this and that... something to benefit someone else and hopefully make a little bit of money. It has been awesome who God has brought into my path. I was the first ever babysitter for these 2 babys and that was a God thing for the parents because they needed someone quickly and didn't have time to interview me, so good thing I was not a crazy person.

I also met a great believing lady who had a garage sale in my benefit. It was awesome to spend time with her and we made some money for my trip. In the mean time, another lady came to the garage sale and we happened to ask if she was looking for anything specific, and we happened to say that this was a benefit garage sale. She asked if I was a believer and said that her and her husband would love to help support me. AND this is not the second random connection that God has brought into my path.

Another boast... God's timing is so so perfect. I was hoping to go to Midland before I left and had planned a weekend. But then I talked with Mary, the lady who brought the phonics program to LCH this summer and she was doing a training in Odessa and wanted me to come. Timing, flights, training, and friends all worked out for me to do both in the same week. Wow. How cool. It was such a blessing to get to talk with Mary about LCH and the school there and to see her heartbeat in increasing the education. How great that the whole body needs each other and God gives us all different gifts and passions. Also, I wasn't sure if I would get to see my dear brother Andrew and although he has never been to Midland, he was passing through to have lunch with a friend on his way home to Abilene and I got to see him. Plus the blessing of staying with the Barkers, my second home here and having people freely want to help me and my trip, like Julie taking me shopping for toiletries. God is good.

And then the timing of God in that Monica's car broke and I am out of town this week so she is not caught in a bind without a car for work and school. He takes care of us.

There are many other great things and my heart has been truly refreshed and renewed to return to Uganda. I am so excited to get to teach the kids phonics and live life with these beautiful friends of mine.

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