Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Simple Acts of Love

During first term I went for visitation day to St. Paul’s College to visit some of our secondary students who attend boarding school there. While we were all standing around chatting, I noticed there was a boy who was lingering around our van. After a few minutes, I looked up and smiled at him. He then came over and said, “Auntie, do you remember me?”

I meet many people and his face looked a bit familiar but I couldn’t place it. I asked him how I knew him. “You carried me when I was little at St. Kizito’s.” I then remembered him clearly. His name is James.

James is on the far right.

Allan, me, and James (now in Senior One)

Throughout the years I have had the opportunity to take small groups of the Lulwanda children to a local babies home called St. Kizito. Here we spend a few hours holding the little ones and playing with the older ones. It is a double win because these babies get stimulation and special attention that they might not have, while my LCH children are able to interact with little ones and offer their service and love, instead of always being on the receiving end.

Many of the children placed at St. Kizito have lost their mother either while birthing that child or soon afterwards. This means that there is usually a father or relative who want the newborn, but are unable (or too overwhelmed) to properly care for the child. So, they are placed at St. Kizito to be taken care by the Sisters (of the Catholic church) until they are a bit older and can be returned to their relatives. 

This means that throughout the years I have seen many children come and go. It is very uncommon for me to return and the same children to be there. But certain children have no one to go to and remain throughout their childhood. James was one of these children and is now in Senior One class and friends with some of our Lulwanda Children.

I have also gotten to watch sweet Jane grow in age (but barely in size) over the years. It is a miracle she is still alive, in my opinion. She has cerebral palsy. Pray for the Lord’s perfect will and help over her life. And that Jesus would daily be her closest friend.

Jane last week (8 years old)

Jane in 2009 (about 2 years old)

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