Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Holiday is so much fun!!!

I love when the children are on holiday from school. Mid August to mid September was Term 2 holiday. The Lord is so good in his timing of this holiday. Having come off of a super busy summer, it was wonderful to get to have a whole month with the children to play, chat, and celebrate together. 

Little puppies bring great joy. 

I took the P6 class swimming at Mt. Elgon. What a blast. 
Whoever brought this blow up shark this summer... THANK YOU. I have never seen kids enjoy a pool toy more. Kids sat. Kids road. Kids tried to jump onto it. Its tumbled into the water. Kids playfully struggled over who would have it next. Kids fell into the water. It was great. Literally hours of fun. 

Three groups of LCH children were taken to visit the little ones at St. Kizito Babies' Home. 

This is Peter and Jane. Peter lost his mother and twin brother at birth. He was brought the St. Kizito weighing 1kg. By God's grace and miracle, Peter is healthy and slowly gaining weight and growing. Jane is a sweet girl with CP. She is now about 6 years old. Please pray for this sweet little girl. 

After the visit to St. Kizito, I took the groups to get ice cream at the local super market. This group was able to eat on the 2nd story veranda that overlooks the busy town center.

Our older children (P7 - all secondary students) were able to attend a youth conference at a church in town. It was a great blessing to each of them. A small group of them even had the chance to dance back up during a song performed by our social worker, Moses. 

Many helping hands filled the kitchen, whether to stir or pray that some batter dripped so that they could sample. All in preparation for....

Our HAPPY BIRTHDAY party, celebrating the lives of those children and staff
 born between May - August. 

Laughter filled the main hall as they watched the craziness of their friend attempting to drop yogurt into another friend's mouth.

There was also special entertainment by the Rockstarz Entertainment dance crew.

And we said goodbye to our dear friend, Sarah H, who spent the whole holiday with us. 

The birthday celebration ended with a few more crazy games, like the biscuit challenge 
(who can eat a pack of biscuits the fastest?)

And the soda chug

What a way to celebrate!

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