Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sports competition

Last month our kids got to go for their second sports competition. This time, the girls competed in netball and the boys in football.
Netball is a game that I would best describe as basketball and ultimate frisbee combined. They toss the ball and make points by shooting it into a hoop. But if your team member throws you the ball then you can't run with it and must throw it to the next. If you drop it, then the other team has the chance to recover it.

Notice the kids watching the games from the tree.
Doreen, from P6 was selected to compete for the subcounty team, but that is where she stopped.

And of course football (soccer) is the universal sport played on every continent in the world.

Ivan (the one smilingin the front) made it to the national level (again!!- he was our child that went for track and field in Gulu) and played for the Mbale team. The team made it to the final four and then were eliminated.

And this photo is random, but one thing I really like in Uganda is all the flowering trees. Yellow, purple, red, pink, white- they are just beautiful.
And another picture of "Africa" captured in still form.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is the guy doing in the tree in the 3rd pic?
Love you