Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

An easy guide to fishing in Uganda

 Step 1: Collect your supplies in the local market, including a rubber flip-flop to act as the bobber.

Step 2) After driving to the area where you would like to fish, find a swampy part.

Step 3) Dig up a big chunk of swampy mud and bring to the (non swampy) shore.

Step 4) Sort through the mud in search of earthworms. (Note: I am not featured in this photo because I was the only one with rain/mud boots on, therefore I was sent to do the dirty work of wading through the swamp to find the best muddy patches to dig up)

Step 5) When you have found enough earthworms, make a muddy bowl with a lid to act as a container so the slimy crawlers don't get away.

Step 6) Watch your friends as they might want to smear their muddy swamp hands all over you.

Step 7) Find a good location where you think the fish might be and wait for them to bite.



Step 8) Even when people are catching fish around you and you feel like you are only being a humanitarian by providing a free lunch for the fish who somehow sneakily manage to nibble the worm off without biting the hook, KEEP TRYING. 

AND the 3rd fish was a bit bigger… but not by much. 

Step 9) Don't forget to bring your charcoal stove, because there is no size restrictions in the swamp-creeks of Uganda and though small, a mudfish like this is still worthy of roasting.

Here were the final fish scores at the end of the day:
Jerad = 3 
Dan = 1
Nat, James, Joseph = 0

Step 10) Bring some extra cash because if you fail to catch your dinner, there are freshly brought Nile Perch begin sold at the local market.

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