Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Monday, June 6, 2011

Just another weekend...

I realize that there are many things things that happen within a day that I count as normal, but would be quite unusual to the average person.  So, I hope I can start capturing some of those moments for you.

Last weekend was one of the first that I didn't have a wedding to attend or a schedule to keep.  So nice.  I slept in without being woken by the sounds of roosters crowing.  I had plans to try a new recipie for "mango crumble" so I started peeling the mangoes we had in the kitchen.  But, I found that I didn't have enough.  Luckily, we have two big beautiful mango trees in our backyard.  
I went outside and asked our guard if he could help me knock down some from the tree, expecting him to take the long pole to reach them.  Instead, he took off his shoes and started climbing.  The top of the tree is where the sweetest ones are anyways, right?  So, wanting to pull my weight in unexpected mango picking adventure, I strategically placed myself below him to be in the proper place to catch each mango that he threw down.  Instead of the four I requested, I ended up with about a dozen.  And the mango crumble was delicious!! 
Later that afternoon, the guard comes to our door to see if I needed any milk because the Milk Man was outside, delivering milk on his bicycle. 


And although buying pasteurized milk from the supermarket is convenient, there is something organic about having to boil your milk after collecting it from the milk man.  But you can't leave the milk unattended, unless you want a big mess.
The phrase, "There is no use crying over spilled milk" has a whole new meaning.


Anonymous said...

So you learned something new with the milk. Why don't you just get a cow????
xxoo Dad

Anonymous said...

love the stories. mmm, mango crumble sounds good!

cathy said...

Mango Crumble! Yum!!

Anonymous said...

enjoyed the stories. love you, janece