Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Monday, May 2, 2011

Look what the Lord has done!

Four years ago today I arrived in a foreign land,
following a childhood dream that had grown into a confirmed call of obedience to the Lord.

Little did I know that I would now call Uganda home.

When I arrived on May 2, 2007 for a three month internship, there were 45 children who shared one dormitory (boys on one side, girls on the other), 16 staff, 2 house mothers, school was happening in the main hall, and children were rushed into town for any medical problem.

Now there are 110 children sleeping in three beautiful housing quarters, over 20 staff, 4 house mothers, a fully registared school that educated 170 children last term, and a clinic on site to serve the medical needs of the LCH children and staff.

Praise the Lord for what He has done! Praise Him for the ways that He has used me at LCH! Praise Him for the ways He has changed me through the people of Uganda! My God is able! He is my Provider! He is my Keeper! He fights for me! The light always overcomes the darkness! He is the restorer of hope! He is Hope itself! He is my Father and my friend!
He loves me with an everlasting love!

And His heart is for orphans and widows. He sees each child. He hears their cries. He is the Giver of every good and perfect gift. He is mighty to save! My God is able! He is Hope itself!


cathy said...

Amen! Amina! Mukama Yeba Zebwe!

Thank you for your tireless service and dedication to the children.

Brenda :0) said...

Oh Natalie! Contentment oozes out of your post! What a joy to be smack dab in the middle of the will of God! Love it! :0)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to be with you all, Natalie. Much love...happy 4th anniversary. What a blessing that God brought you to Lulwanda! Melody

Anonymous said...

happy 4th! so great to read about what's going on there and what you are a part of. wish i could come visit! blessings and greetings from the states!