Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Thursday, August 26, 2010

August in Uganda

I feel like the month has flown by already. Wow.

When I first arrived, two of my dear college friends were already at LCH with a team. Stephanie and Connie (along with our clinical officer) conducted hearing screenings for all of our children and staff. They also were able to move out of the hotel and into my house for the remainder of their trip. It was SO wonderful to have them with me. Although most of our time was at LCH, we were also able to visit the village where one of Stephanie's friends lives and travel to Sissyi Falls to trek up to the very top.

At the top of the waterfall looking down.

The children finished Term 2 on Aug. 13th. This whole year, our P7 class has been busy preparing to take the national examinations held in November. They sat with other children from the sub-county and took mock-examinations. In District Mocks, six of our students ranked in Division II (the second highest). Overall, Anthony Wanzala came on top with the most points at LCH in both mock-examinations. Please continue praying for our students as they bear the pressure of this test (determining if and which secondary school they can go to).

Other End of Term 2 Results (Class Ranking):

Top Class:
1- Samwiri
2- Davis
3- Flavia

P1 Class:
1- Norah
2- Gift
3- Phoebe Nambozo

P2 Class:
1- Moses
2- Sarah Kainza
3- Andrew Masiga

P3 Class:
1- John Mustoshi
2- Anthony Wojjambuka
3- Doreen Namasaba

P4 Class:
1- David Yeko
2- Malvin
3- Andrew Dezi

P5 Class:
1- Dinah
2- Brenda Babirye
3- Chrispus

So now that we are on holiday, I have been having fun with the kids... games, puzzles, felt Bible story pictures, football matches, and crafts.

We had visitors from a local bank come to do a charity project at LCH. They helped repaint the outside kitchen and bath houses. I pray that God would use these news friends to be advocates for our kids.