Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this : to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. -James 1:27

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

a funny conversation...

So, I was sick on Thurs and Friday last week and stayed home to rest. But I went to work yesterday and as I drove up I looked at the school and then asked, why are all the classrooms shut? OOPS- they forgot to inform me that there was no school on Monday or Tuesday. But I made the most of it and was able to play cards and twister all day :)

At one point I was outside with some of the girl that were de-shelling gnuts (peanuts) and amidst all the questions about America (do we have peanuts?) or if those of Mr. Larry had reached America yet- I heard one distinct question from Maliza...

Maliza: "Teacher, why don't mzungus have "tee" in their mouth?"
Me: "What?"
Maliza: "Why don't mzungus have "tee" in their mouth?"
Me: "What?" -- with a tilted head and even more confused.
Maliza: "Why don't mzungus have "tee" in their mouth?"
Me: "Tee?"
Maliza: "Yes! The letter T. Like they say Na"d"alie instead of your real name."
Me: "Oh."- thinking about what she meant but before i could give an answer
Maliza: "And teacher, Mzungus have too much "R" "
Me: "Well yes, that is true. That's the way we were taught. And I guess we don't have T in our mouth because we are lazy. You are right about both."


Anonymous said...

Thats a great story Nat! I have been praying for you so much! I will probably never get to get on skype soon! Basketball has started and we already have stuff the next 3 weekends...maybe I will try to catch you on a Sunday...hope all is going well:) Love yOU Nat,

cathy said...

LOL! Precious Maliza, and very observant!

I think its funny that I still don't know if it is Nusula or Nusura depending on who you are talking to. I don't think Edward has "r" in his mouth- he says "L"!

Maybe you can solve that mystery??

Anonymous said...
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